Thursday, August 27, 2020
Pulsed Radio Frequency Energy as Physical Therapy
Beat Radio Frequency Energy as Physical Therapy Section V DISCUSSION Numerous grown-ups with vascular ailment or potentially diabetes endure with incessant leg or foot ulcers, prompting loss of useful capacity, low quality of life and long haul sick wellbeing. Studies on patients with constant leg ulcers have revealed the normal length of these ulcers is around 12-13 months, around 60-70% of patients have repeating ulcers, 24% of patients are hospitalized as a result of the ulcers and the vast majority experience the ill effects of the condition for a normal of at least 15 years. Care for incessant injuries is accounted for to cost 2-3% of all out medicinal services spending in created nations and these expenses are set to ascend with maturing populaces. Treatment in the U.S. costs more than 3 billion $US and the loss of more than 2 million workdays every year. Correspondingly, Harding cites an expense of à £400 million every year in the U.K. In Australia, wound dressings are the second most regular strategy in General Practitioner practice and const ant injury care represents 22-half of network nursing time in the UK and Australia (Edwards et al.,2013). Notwithstanding immediate human services costs, ceaseless injuries are related with shrouded loads on the network coming about because of loss of versatility, diminished practical capacity, social disconnection and loss of support in the workforce and society (Price and Krasner, 2012). The utilization of beat radio-recurrence electromagnetic field (PEMF), likewise named beat radiofrequency vitality (PRFE) treatment has indicated remarkable accomplishment in recuperating of constant injuries. PEMF is a non-ionizing vitality at the shortwave radiofrequency band of the electromagnetic range, usually at a recurrence of 27.12MHz. Since the presentation of PEMFà à à during the 1950s, clinical examinations on recuperating of interminable injuries and careful recuperation, also orthopedic investigations have recorded PEMF as a fruitful clinical treatment. PEMF treatment is none intrusive and is conveyed through the injury dressing, and to date has indicated no undesirable reactions. With positive reports in the writing recording PEMF as a viable treatment, its more extensive selection as an aide treatment appears justified (Rawe,2012). The estimation of wound measurement is a significant segment of effective injury the board. Observing changes in wound region permits evaluation of treatment adequacy and early location of balance or decay. The photographic technique is a precise option in contrast to computerized planimetry framework (Visitrak TM ) for estimating wound region. The photographic strategy is a progressively proper method for perfect and uncontaminated injuries, as contact with the injury bed is kept away from (Chang et al.,2011). This examination researched the viability of beat radio recurrence vitality as active recuperation methodology in the treatment of ceaseless lower appendage ulcers through diminishing injury surface region (WSA) and wound volume. The discoveries of this investigation demonstrated noteworthy reduction in WSA after treatment in the two gatherings An and B (P<0.0001) with unpleasant level of progress in bunch A (62.78%) versus (16.48% in bunch B). Additionally, there was huge contrast between Group An, and Group B post treatment estimations of WSA (p<0.0001) with supported outcomes in bunch A. Concerning consequences of wound volume, the two gatherings An and B indicated noteworthy lessening in twisted volume after treatment (p<0.0001) with level of progress 68.96%in gathering An and 31.09% in bunch B. Additionally, there was critical contrast between Group An, and Group B post treatment estimations of wound volume (p=0.010) with supported outcomes in bunch A. Concerning aftereffects of twisted volume, there was critical increment in Ki-67% after treatment (p<0.0001) in bunches A just with level of progress 253.15%. Likewise, there was huge contrast between Group An, and Group B post treatment estimations of wound volume (p<0.010) with supported outcomes in bunch A. Subsequently the aftereffects of current investigation affirmed the remedial proficiency of beat radio recurrence vitality as restorative methodology in lessening wound surface zone and wound volume and treatment of incessant lower appendage ulcers. The aftereffects of our investigation reliable or bolstered by the works detailed by Kao et al. (2013); Rawe and Vlahovic (2012); Conner-Kerr andIsenberg(2012);Frykbergetal.(2011);Lietal.(2011);Maier(2011); Kloth et al. (1999); Bentall (1986). Kao et al. (2013) assessed the impact of Pulsed radiofrequency vitality diabetic injured Db/db mice. Net conclusion, cell expansion, and morphometric investigation of CD31-recolored wound cross-segments were evaluated. The mRNA articulation of profibrotic factors (changing development factor-à ² and platelet-inferred development factor-An), angiogenetic factors (vascular endothelial development factor and fundamental fibroblast development factor), and extracellular framework parts (collagen I and à ±-smooth muscle actin) were assessed by quantitative opposite transcriptase polymerase chain response. Collagen protein level of the injury was dictated by Western smudge examination. Cell relocation wasâ monitoredâ inâ monolayerâ dermalâ fibroblastâ cultures.â Theâ degreeâ of collagen arrangement and gelation time was quantitatively surveyed utilizing picture examination methods. Results show that beat radiofrequency vitality rewarded wounds were portrayed by dermal c ell multiplication and expanded collagen blend. Rawe and Vlahovic (2012) assessed the impact of a lightweight wearable type of a PFRE gadget on 3 diabetic foot ulcers and 1 venous balance ulcer for a situation report, the ulcers were available on the 4 patients for more than 3 months and had neglected to mend after regular treatment. A lightweight battery fueled, wearable structure PRFE gadget was presented as a treatment and utilized 6-8 hrs for each day for a time of about a month and a half. All patients following multi week of treatment demonstrated improvement and wound size supposedly decreased. Tolerant 1 had a venous balance ulcer, and detailed noteworthy help with discomfort following fourteen days treatment. Patients 2 and 3 accomplished total recuperating following 3 weeks treatment, and patient 1 and patient 4 had a 95% and 88% decrease in twisted size after the multi week study period. Both these patients kept on finishing mending utilizing the PRFE gadget after the multi week study period. Conner-Kerr and Isenberg (2012) assessed the advantage of utilizing PRFE treatment in the treatment of incessant weight ulcers by means of Provant Therapy System in 89 patients show 51% middle diminishing in wound surface territory following a month. Quicken wound recuperating rate with the goal that the middle of wound mending course arrives at 0.13 cm/d. the investigation reasoned that PRFE treatment is a helpful adjuvant treatment for recuperating of constant weight ulcers. Frykbergetal.(2011)conducted an examination to investigate the impact of PRFE on the pace of wound mending results show mean percent decrease in twisted region following a month was 49% à ± 6% for pressure ulcer (PU) (P <0.0001), 38% à ± 6% for diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) (P <0.0001), 44% à ± 5% for venous leg ulcer (VLU) (P <0.0001), and 39% à ± 9% for ulcers of different etiologies (P = 0.0001). The middle injury decrease rate was 0.08 cm (2)/day (run - 4.14-2.21). Results proposing that a huge extent of these PRFE-rewarded ulcers wound have recuperated with continuous treatment. Lietal.(2011)investigated the impact of beat radiofrequency vitality on cutaneous ulcers to comprehend its instrument. Full-thickness cutaneous ulcers were made in diabetic mice. The test bunch was liable to beat radiofrequency vitality treatment two times each day, while the hoax bunch was exposed to trick gadgets. The pace of wound conclusion was assessed by advanced examination of surface region of the injury bed, zone of re-epithelialization, and pace of compression. The outcomes show that beat radiofrequency vitality quickens debilitated injury mending for the most part through injury withdrawal by methods for animating cell expansion, granulation tissue development, and collagen affidavit. Maier (2011) assessed the impact of PEMF on two patients with difficult incessant cutaneous injuries in the lower appendage. Adjunctive beat radio recurrence vitality was managed for 30 minutes twice every day through a tool cushion put straightforwardly on the dressing over the injury territory. The two patients announced prompt, checked torment decrease, permitting pressure treatment. The ulcers mended totally inside 3 weeks for understanding 1 and 28 weeks for tolerant 2. Kloth et al. (1999) examined the impact of PRF treatment on mending of weight ulcers in spinal rope harmed quiet. The investigation reasoned that PRF treatment is a cost sparing mediation that can animate the endogenous bioelectric tissue fix forms when wounds don't show proof of recuperating with standard injury treatment. What's more, speeding up of tissue recuperating additionally lessens the agony and enduring experienced by people tormented with constant injuries. Likewise quickened mending of interminable injuries with PRF empowered patients to come back to practical exercises sooner so unwanted inconveniences don't create. Bentall(1986)evaluated the impact of beat radio-recurrence vitality in treatment of skin wounds. Results show that PEMF affected the procedures of intense auxiliary injury mending. The pace of recuperating was quickened and the histological appearance of the effectively rewarded wounds indicated that the mended epidermis was more similar to ordinary skin than the scar tissue common of auxiliary injury recuperating. At long last, from the past conversation of these outcomes and as per reports of different specialists in comparative examinations, it very well may be clarified that the valuable impact of PRFE in treatment of lower appendage ulcers is because of the accompanying components: Beat radio recurrence vitality found to make a critical improvement in the statement of qualities engaged with angiogenesis and wound renovating. The statement of qualities associated with angiogenesis and wound rebuilding was surveyed utilizing microarray investigation of refined human dermal fibroblasts (HDF) and human epidermal keratinoc
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Fedralist 51 essays
Fedralist 51 expositions James Madison composed Federalist 51 in light of the fact that he needed to ensure that the administration of the United Stated has a balanced governance for all branches. He needs to ensure that all the various divisions have another office the checks them. In the event that this was not set up today, at that point our legislature could have numerous issues in their area of expertise by simply committing errors. Madisons words Ambition must be made to neutralize desire... fit directly into the constitution since we need beyond what one branch so they can check one another. Madison wrote to educate individuals that we need balanced governance so nobody branch could get an excessive amount of intensity. Today, we have authoritative, official, and legal branches, which fit directly into the sacred framework and don't concentrate on only one thought. The detachment of intensity in the administration permits the various branches, for example, the congress and the president, bargain their thought and think of a goals that benefits the dominant part. The division of intensity additionally permits the go through more than one office so there is nothing being passed that ought not be. Madisons words are essential to the general public today in light of the fact that our general public has numerous thoughts that the legislature just can't pass. We need the governing rules with the goal that what is passed is checked more than once and amended. In the event that there were just one branch, at that point they would just pass the laws, which were generally speaking to that branch would be passed and not the others regardless of which is significant. Presently if there is a law or a thought, it needs to experience the congress, agents, and the president who for the most part settles on a ultimate choice. What's more, if president doesn't care for it he can veto it or the congress can take it out by number of votes. Our legislature and our kin are blessed in light of the fact that we dont have just a single individual creation the entirety of our choice for us however permit t ... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Recent Modern Art Exhibition Projects 89
Presentation Art displays are the spots, which will be intriguing to individuals of all ages and any sex whenever. ââ¬Å"A characteristic impact of the Museum show will be to lead the general population to enquire why it is that objects of ââ¬Ëmuseum qualityââ¬â¢ are to be discovered distinctly in Museums and are not in day by day use and promptly obtainable.â⬠(Coomaraswamy, 13) Without any questions, every presentation presents something new and uncommon to the lives of a large number of people.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Recent Modern Art Exhibition: Projects 89 explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of such displays, which dazzled me a ton, is Projects 89 by Klara Liden. This presentation was opened February 25, 2009, and will be shut June 8, 2009. Despite the way that it isn't a lot of time to impart her creation to loads of individuals, this show has just dazzled somebody. The thoughts of resistance, want to act an d show individual vision and understanding of the occasions â⬠this is the thing that roused Klara to introduce this cutting edge workmanship presentation. Conversation Art and Enthusiasm of Klara Liden One French Thomistic scholar, Etienne Gilson, conceded that it was smarter to turn around to pictorial philosophical methodology so as to show how artworks and, simultaneously, other craftsmanship magnum opuses could undoubtedly exhibit the solid demonstration of presence. (Gilson, 7) This youthful Swedish craftsman with her display viable is loaded with eagerness. Would it be able to be that a major clear box, set at the focal point of the room, ends up being somewhat alluring for some individuals? At the Museum of Modern Art, this occasion assembles an ever increasing number of individuals consistently. This crate can't remain momentous for an extensive stretch of time â⬠it would be not that intriguing to watch, this is the reason Klara Liden makes this animal work, racking. Furthermore, at last, it is important to concede that cutting edge workmanship can't disregard advancements with different video and sound increases, along these lines, in the corner on the floor, there is a video screen, where short video is appeared during three and a half minutes. The particular component of this video is Lidenââ¬â¢s nearness on it. She remains on the Manhattan bank of the East River and avoids little stones over the water. To my brain, such decision of the video isn't easygoing. These stones in the water may represent an actual existence that keeps going not for a significant stretch of time, yet its developments are extremely splendid and pull in the consideration of numerous individuals, and the outcomes of these developments, the follows on the water, energize over and over. Lidenââ¬â¢s show endures during a specific timeframe, and, as the follows in the water, left by the stone, her work ought to be remembered for a significant stretch of time. What N ewspapers Write about the Exhibition Not numerous magazines and papers are prepared to depict the occasions, which happen now in the Museum of Modern Art, be that as it may, New York Times presents an enthralling article about this craftsman and her capacities to make extraordinary things to the watcher. Holland Cotter expounds on the displays the following:Advertising Looking for inquire about paper on craftsmanship? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The thought, as I read it, was to keep a bit of the show outside the workmanship space and on the planet, which implied consolidating the world â⬠whoever happened to sit on the seat â⬠into the show. Throughout the years she has arranged comparable exchanges among workmanship and life in different spots, in different ways. (Cotter, 2009) So, individuals, who do grasp the quintessence of workmanship and the thoughts, which specialists need to speak to in their works, will surely comprehend that this case of papers is anything but a straightforward get-together of various sheet of papers. It is a history that is firmly associated with individuals, their lives, and their future. Different articles in papers and magazines like to portray this presentation and offer the thoughts of what they see there: ââ¬Å"architectural mediations and establishments by tearing up existing structures and materials, for example, cardboard, creased metal, drywall, wood, and floor covering remnants.â⬠(NY Art Beat) Any bit of craftsmanship might be contrasted with one another. Is it conceivable to relate sonnets and historical center presentations? To my brain, it is very conceivable. For instance, Jacques Maritain told that ââ¬Å"to some degree, even in the most dark sonnets, in any event, when the writer turns his back totally on insight, the coherent sense is consistently there.â⬠(Maritain, 261) Almost the equivalent occurs during the display by Klara Liden : she makes an endeavor to disregard the reasons and results, and make something untraditional, yet mulling over some cutting edge highlights and advancements. This is the reason her work is something extremely canny and valid. Determination People ought to get an opportunity to disregard their present issues and undertakings, and engage for some timeframe. Current displays are, where individuals can do it easily. Creative mind of specialists and their thoughts are normally very extraordinary and stunning. Klara Liden is a Swedish craftsman, who presents her display Projects 89 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Her work and video document end up being truly intriguing and irregular for our occasions, this is the reason loads of individuals are anxious to visit this show over and over. Works Cited Coomaraswamy, Ananda, K. Cristian and Oriental Philosophy of Art. Messenger Dover Publication, 1956.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Recent Modern Art Exhi bition: Projects 89 explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cotter, Holland. ââ¬Å"Cutting Modernismââ¬â¢s Big Cube Down to Size.â⬠The New York Times. 19 Mar. 2009. 16 Jun. 2009. Gilson, Etienne. Painting and Reality. Meridian, 1959. Maritain, Jacques. Imaginative Intuition in Art and Poetry: Abdrew Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts. Princeton University Press, 1977. NY Art Beat, ââ¬Å"Projects 89: Klara Lidenâ⬠Exhibition. 16 Jun. 2009. This examination paper on Recent Modern Art Exhibition: Projects 89 was composed and presented by client Alessandro Carrillo to help you with your own examinations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; be that as it may, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Critical Issue Of Counseling And Psychotherapy - 1519 Words
As we are beginning to learn, the way we approach counseling and our clients derives from our own perspectives and experiences. As it says in our text, ââ¬Å"A critical issue in counseling and psychotherapy is that the same comment may have different effects on individuals who have different personal life experiences and multicultural backgrounds, because everyone has a unique history with a unique pattern of communication.â⬠This proves to be true as fundamental principals of the social animal, every type of relationship we have with an individual is a different relationship from another, so of course this applies to counseling, because, how could it not? Although, before we are able to start a therapeutic relationships or beginning the healingâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I was young when this transition took place, but remember the move like it was yesterday. I had a very privileged upbringing; my father has had a successful house painting business for over 35 years and my mother is a medical coder, most recently, but also has a professional history in marketing. My brother, Dylan, and I were taught to work for what we want and I have been working consistently since I was 15 years old. S - (sexual orientation and/or gender identity) I am a Caucasian cis-female and identify as a heterosexual. I have never felt that my gender is biologically incorrect and am comfortable identifying as straight. P - (personal style/education) My personal style is completely designed around comfort. Being comfortable is an essential part of my everyday, because typically if I am not physically comfortable, I will not be able to focus on anything else. I am easy-going and usually do not react in negative ways to adverse situations. My voice is low and mellow, also fairly monotone, but I am working on that. I try to present myself and personal style in the most approachable way I can. In addition, my favorite pastime is to educate myself in whatever it may be (mainly depending on the day) and try to gain as much knowledge as I can from an unbiased point of view. E - (ethnic/racial identity) I am a unnatural blonde with blue eyes and pale skin withShow MoreRelatedToward Intentional Interviewing and Counseling1652 Words à |à 7 PagesInterviewing and Counseling INTRODUCTION: WHAT IS THE ââ¬Å"CORRECTâ⬠RESPONSE TO OFFER A CLIENT? * There are many potentially useful responses in any interviewing situation. * Reflecting the clientââ¬â¢s emotions can be helpful. * Selecting one aspect to focus on can be useful, and then later you can examine other dimensions by asking an open question. * Our tasks: * Respect the client * Use appropriate skills and strategies * Seek to alleviate stress INTERVIEWING, COUNSELING, AND PSYCHOTHERAPYRead MoreThe Father Of Person Centered Therapy And Humanistic Psychology1420 Words à |à 6 Pages Carl Rogers is widely known as the father of person-centered therapy and humanistic psychology. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
The value of Green Supply Chains - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 19 Words: 5824 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Organizations worldwide are continuously trying to develop new and innovative ways to enhance their competitiveness. Bacallan (2000) suggests that some of these organizations are enhancing their competitiveness through improvements in their environmental performance to comply with mounting environmental regulations, to address the environmental concerns of their customers, and to mitigate the environmental impact of their production and service activities. Green supply chain management as a form of environmental improvement is an operational initiative that many organizations are adopting to address such environmental issues. Currently, the à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âgreen conceptà ¢Ã¢â ¬? is a critical issue for companies, but when the majority of businesses are cost focused, the idea of implementing and moving toward green practices is often seen as a costly strategy. Bowen et al. (2001) state that organizations will adopt green supply chain management practices if they identify that this will result in specià ¯Ã ¬?c à ¯Ã ¬?nancial and operational beneà ¯Ã ¬?ts. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The value of Green Supply Chains" essay for you Create order According to Routroy (2009), Greening the manufacturing supply chain may result in one or more benefits, in terms of cost reduction, operational efficiency improvement, flexibility improvement, sales enhancement, customer value enhancement, and societal image improvement. Green supply chain management is also to enhance firmsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ environmental performance through inter-organizational collaboration with business partners and increase efficiency by cost saving programs and proactive risk management practices (Hervani et al., 2005; Rao and Holt, 2005; Zhu and Sarkis, 2007). We will review the literature about Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) concept and then we will see how it is translated within the supply chains. Then, the common purpose of this research will be to identify the link between GSCM and overall firm performance. We decided, based on the literature and on a specific framework (Rao Holt, 2005) applied in Asia, to tackle the concept of green supply chain management in Western Europe by including environmental initiatives in: (1) Inbound logistics; (2) Production or the internal supply chain; (3) Outbound logistics, including reverse logistics. Nowadays, how organisations are implementing GSCM and what are the impacts on their business? At the end of this research we will identify the best practices, and the way they are they measured. Moreover, we will see in what extent an effective Green Supply Chain Management could be a driver for innovation and business performance in manufacturing firms? Finally, we will see if Green Supply Chain Management lead to profitability and competitiveness. Our study will consider manufacturing companies in Western Europe. II Literature review Definition Green supply chain management Several studies have considered the concept of ecological sustainability as a framework for studying management practices in both operational and strategic contexts (Sarkis and Rasheed, 1995; Klassen and McLaughlin, 1996; King and Lenox, 2001). As part of this effort, other studies have examined the greening of supply chains within various contexts including in product design (Allenby, 1993; Gupta, 1995), process design (Porter and Van der Linde, 1995a; Klassen and McLaughlin, 1996), manufacturing practices (Winsemius and Guntram, 1992), purchasing (Handfield et al., 2002) and a broad mixture of these elements (Bowen et al., 2001a). It is not surprising that GSCM finds its definition in supply chain management. Adding the à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âgreenà ¢Ã¢â ¬? component to supply chain management involves addressing the influence and relationships of supply chain management to the natural environment. Motivated by an environmentally-conscious mindset, it can also stem from a competitiveness motive within organizations. In this paper GSCM is defined as: Green Supply Chain Management GSCM = Green Purchasing + Green Manufacturing/Materials Management + Green Distribution=Marketing + Reverse Logistics Figure 1 shows this GSCM equation graphically, where reverse logistics à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âcloses the loopà ¢Ã¢â ¬? of a typical forward supply chain and includes reuse, remanufacturing, and/or recycling of materials into new materials or other products with value in the marketplace. The idea is to eliminate or minimize waste (energy, emissions, chemical/hazardous, solid wastes). This figure is representative of a single organizationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s internal supply chain, its major operational elements and the linkage to external organizations. A number of environmentally conscious practices are evident throughout the supply chain ranging from green design (marketing and engineering), green procurement practices (e.g. certifying suppliers, purchasing environmentally sound materials/products), total quality environmental management (internal performance measurement, pollution prevention), environmentally friendly packaging and transportation, to the various product end-of-life practices defined by the à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âReà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢sà ¢Ã¢â ¬? of reduction, reuse, remanufacturing, recycling. Expanding this figure, a number of organizational relationships could be found at various stages of thismodel, including customers and their chains, as well as suppliers and their chains, forming webs of relationships. Figure 1. GSCM graph The development of industrial ecosystems would be greatly supported by GSCM practices. Korhonen and Niutanen (2003) in their study of material and energy flows in the local forest industry in Finland suggested these flows were comparable to other economic and industrial systems. In the last two decades, the product-based systems perspective and the geographically defined local-regional industrial ecosystem have Porter (1991) argues the pressure to innovate from an environmental perspective comes from regulatory pressure, as firms respond in creative and dynamic ways to environmental regulation by introducing innovations improving environmental outcomes. Other studies concluded environmental innovation is the result of market pressures causing firms to become more efficient. Porter and Van der Linde (1995a, b) concluded firms respond to competitive conditions and regulatory pressure by developing strategies to maximize resource productivity, enabling them to simultaneously improve their industrial and environmental performance. Furthering this issue, Greffen and Rothenberg (2000) suggest suppliers can be an important source of enhanced competency for radical environmental innovation, which, in relation to an integrated technological system, demands capabilities beyond those likely to exist within a single company. The added competency brought by the supply chain partners is important. Other external pressures do exist and include environmental compliance, liability, issues of business continuity, the call for benchmarking to national, international, or industry standards, customer attitudes toward product take-back, and even pressures from inter-organizational information technology/data management systems. The innovation of GSCM/Performance Measurement is necessary for a number of reasons in response to external pressures. For example, business performance measurement, for purposes of external reporting, is fundamentally driven by the creation, maximization and defence of economic rents or surplus. These surpluses or rents in business come from distinctive capabilities such as brands and reputation, strategic assets, innovations, and the distinctive structure of relationships firms enjoy both internally with their employees and/or externally with their customers and suppliers. External reporting is also necessary to maintain organizational legitimacy with respect to environmental issues (Harvey and Schaefer, 2001). Sustainability. One of the major definitions of sustainability and certainly most well known is that of the Brundtland Commission (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987, p.8): à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âdevelopment that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.à ¢Ã¢â ¬? This short definition includes the interest of understanding the environmental impact of economic activity in both developing and industrialized economies (Erlich and Erlich, 1991); ensuring worldwide food safety (Lal et al., 2002); ensuring that vital human needs are met (Savitz and Weber, 2006); and assuring the protection of non-renewable resources (Whiteman and Cooper, 2000). Unfortunately, the societal aspect of sustainability is complicated for firms to apply and provides little explanation regarding how organizations might recognize future versus present needs, determine the technologies and resources necessary to meet those needs, and understand how to balance organizational responsibilities to numerous stakeholders such as shareholders, employees, society and the natural environment (Hart, 1995; Starik and Rands, 1995). Sustainability has been also investigated in the fields of management, operations, and engineering. Within the management literature, most of the current conceptualizations of organizational sustainability have focused on ecological sustainability (the natural environment), with little recognition of social and economic responsibilities (Jennings and Zandbergen, 1995; Shrivastava, 1995a; Starik and Rands, 1995). Sustainable refers to the triple bottom line, for economic, social and environmental. An approach to competitive advantage. A particular organization has competitive advantage when it achieves a higher return on investment than its competitors, or it is able to do so (Grant, 1996). Therefore, in order to have competitive advantage organizations must have the ability to obtain higher profit margins than other companies in the industry. Organizations with competitive advantage, however, might show not the highest profit rate. For example, competitive organizations might prefer, for one or another reason, to sell their products and services at a lower price than the maximum price it could mark. Two major types of competitive advantage can be enjoyed by organizations (Porter, 1985): cost advantage, which is the result of supplying similar products and/or services to low prices; and differentiation advantage, which comes from offering differentiated products and/or services to customers, who, in turn, are ready to pay an additional price which overcomes the additional differentiation costs. While the cost advantage position implies to have the lowest costs in the industry, differentiation advantage refers to offering something unique which is valued by customers. Competitive advantage can derive from one or more factors or sources. Firstly, literature on strategic management suggests the following major sources of cost advantage (e.g., Porter, 1985; Grant, 1996): scale economies, learning economies, production capacity management, product design, cost of inputs, process technology, and management efficiency. Secondly, sources of differentiation advantage include tangible and intangible aspects which are significantly valued by potential customers as to be ready to pay an additional price for them (e.g., Porter, 1985; Grant, 1996); tangible aspects refer to observable characteristics of the products and services, their performance, and complementary products and services; intangible aspects, in turn, include social, emotional, psychological and aesthetic considerations which are present in any choice of products and services. Recently, a major theoretical framework has been developed in strategic management literature which seems to be particularly appropriate for identifying the characteristics that a particular resource or capability must show in order to be a major source of competitive advantage. This theoretical framework is the resource based view of the firm theory. Performance Corporate performance measurement and its field application continues to grow. The diversity and level of performance measures are linked to the goal of the company or the individual strategic business unità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s features. For instance, when measuring performance, organizations have to think about existing financial measures such as return on investment, profitability, market share and revenue growth at a competitive and strategic level. Other measures are more operationally focused, but may inevitably be linked to strategic level measures and issues. This is the case of customer service and inventory performance (supply, turnover). GSCM implementation Where to begin? Viable environmental sustainability programs require meaningful action across a broad range of processes. Some of the most impactful areas include: Production planning: The most valuable members of a supply chain are able to provide accurate forecasts and deliver reliably so as to help reduce over purchasing, over-production and waste Manufacturing: The adoption of techniques such as lean process improvement should result in less over processing as well as reduced energy intensive storage and waste Distribution: Network redesign. Smart routing, backhauling, fill optimization and mode switching à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ all are likely to result in fewer freight miles Green design: The electronics and related high-tech industries practice collaboration as a means of optimizing the green aspects of their components and end-products; proactive and/or influential members of a supply chain can promote/pursue similar collaboration/ innovation Packaging: The greenest firms seek to minimize the environmental impact of packaging, not only by using less, but also by evaluating the energy, waste, recovery and other life cycle impacts of their packaging choices Recycled content: Companies score green points by maximizing their use. of these materials as well as by using materials in products that are in turn easily recyclable Warehousing: Challenge existing assumptions in light of higher energy costs and the need to reduce carbon footprints Green energy: More green points are available by using green or renewable energy sources à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬ although this can be difficult in regulated energy markets (and a factor in future location decisions) IT: Videoconferencing and remote servicing can reduce business travel; Energy Star rated PCs along with optimized power consumption settings can significantly pare energy costs Server farms: Energy efficient servers arrayed according to state-of-the-art cooling practices can generate enormous energy savings Ridesharing/telecommuting: A growing number of companies are working with municipalities to better optimize public transportation to their facilities. More companies are also enabling more workdays at home as well as providing incentives for carpooling Estates: Investments in building air tightness, insulation and energy efficient heating, cooling, lighting, plant and equipment can significantly reduce carbon footprints Green procurement: It is possible to reduce your carbon footprint by paying more attention to your own procurement. Supplier carbon footprint, ISO certifications, procurement distance have to be part of the selection criterias. Conceptual framework Greening the inbound function It is argued that greening the supply chain has numerous benefits to an organization, ranging from cost reduction, to integrating suppliers in a participative decision-making process that promotes environmental innovation (Bowen et al., 2001; Hall, 1993; Rao, 2002). Critical parts of the inbound function are the purchasing and supply field. Green purchasing strategies are adopted by organizations in response to the increasing global concerns of environmental sustainability. The Green purchasing should be able address reduction of waste produced, material substitution through environmental sourcing of raw materials, and waste minimization of hazardous materials. (Rao Holt, 2005) The involvement and support of suppliersà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ is crucial to achieving such goals. (Vachon and Klassen, 2006). Furthermore, organizations are managing more and more their suppliersà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ environmental performance to ensure that the materials and equipments supplied by them are environmentally-friendly in nature and are produced using environmentally-friendly processes. Min and Galle (1997) explore à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âgreen purchasingà ¢Ã¢â ¬? to determine the key factors affecting a buying firmà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s choice of suppliers, the key barriers and the obstacles to green purchasing initiatives. They also investigated the impact of green purchasing on a corporationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s environmental goals. Below listed subjects to get information on the green inbound phase of a supply chain: (1) Guiding suppliers to set up their own environmental programs; (2) bringing together suppliers in the same industry to share their know-how and problems; (3) informing suppliers about the benefits of cleaner production and technologies; (4) urging/pressuring suppliers to take environmental actions; and (5) choice of suppliers by environmental criteria. Greening the production phase or the internal supply chain In this phase, there are a number of concepts that can be explored, such as cleaner production, design for environment, remanufacturing and lean production. Hong, He-Boong, Jungbae Roh, (2009) highlight through their research that strategic green management needs the combination of integrated product development (IPD) and supply chain coordination (SCC) for desired business outcomes. Thanks to a survey on 580 manufacturing plants in the US, adopting cleaner production techniques, Florida and Davison (2001) showed that green corporations are innovative in their environmental practices, and these strategies emerge from a real commitment towards reducing waste and pollution. Lean production/manufacturing is also an important consideration in reducing the environmental impact of the production phase. In their research King and Lenox (2001), concludes that lean production is complementary to improvements in environmental performance and it often lowers the marginal cost of pollution reduction thus enhancing competitiveness. In addition, Rothenberg et al. (2001) identify that lean plants aim to minimize waste and buffers, leading not only to reduce buffers in environmental technology and management, but also in an overall approach to manufacturing that minimizes waste products. (1) Environment-friendly raw materials; (2) substitution of environmentally questionable materials; (3) taking environmental criteria into consideration; (4) environmental design considerations; (5) optimization of process to reduce solid waste and emissions; (6) use of cleaner technology processes to make savings in energy, water, and waste; (7) internal recycling of materials within the production phase; and (8) incorporating environmental total quality management principles such as worker empowerment. Greening the outbound function On the outbound side of the green supply chain, green logistics comprises all links from the manufacturer to the end users and includes products, processes, packaging, transport, and disposal (Skjoett-Larsen, 2000). Rao, (2003) and Sarkis, (1999) argue on the fact that green marketing, environment-friendly packaging, and environment-friendly distribution, are all initiatives that might improve the environmental performance of an organization and its supply chain. Reverse logistics and waste exchange and ore generally management of wastes in the outbound function can lead to cost savings and enhanced competitiveness (Rao, 2003). In order to address these environmental impacts of packaging, many countries now have programs and legislation that aims to minimize the amount of packaging that enters the waste stream, such as the Packaging Directive in the EU. The distribution, for the whole supply chain is a huge stake for green management. In fact the distribution results of a trade-off between efficiency and effectiveness firm strategy. For this reason is difficult to handle As part of outbound logistics, green marketing has an important part to play in the link between environmental innovation and competitive advantage (Menon and Menon, 1997). Encouraging suppliers to take back packaging is a form of reverse logistics that can be an important consideration in greening the outbound function, with a study by Dorn (1996) identifying an increase in market share amongst companies that implemented an environmentally-friendly packaging scheme. The product design step is more and more integrated within green supply chain issues because 80% of the environmental burden and cost of a product is fixed during this phase (Carbone, Moatti, 2008). Strategic variables to take in account for an empirical study; (1) Environment-friendly waste management; (2) environmental improvement of packaging; (3) taking back packaging; (4) eco-labeling; (5) recovery of companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s end-of-life products; (6) providing consumers with information on environmental friendly products and/or production methods; and (7) use of environmentally-friendly transportation. Competitiveness Economic performance Bacallan (2000) suggests that organizations are enhancing their competitiveness through improvements in their environmental performance to comply with mounting environmental regulations, to address the environmental concerns of their customers (à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦). However, an interesting point to notice is that, as long as the market does not seek environmental value-drivers in the products and services it purchases, environmental issues are not necessarily considered by organizations and consumers. (Rao Holt, 2005) Fortunately, over the last few years there has been a growth in environmental awareness of consumers in general. Clearly a growing number of corporations are developing company-wide environmental programs and à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âgreenà ¢Ã¢â ¬? products sourced from markets around the world. Therefore, environmental issues are becoming a source of competitiveness. All these efforts aim to improve environmental performance, enhance corporate image, reduce costs, reduce risks of non-compliance and improve marketing advantage. Nevertheless, some organizations are still looking upon green initiatives as involving trade-offs between environmental performance and economic performance. The financial performance of firms is affected by environmental performance in a variety of ways. When waste, both hazardous and non-hazardous, is minimized as part of environmental management, it results in better utilization of natural resources, improved efficiency, higher productivity and reduces operating costs (Rao Holt, 2005). Nowadays and in the future, a good à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âgreen playerà ¢Ã¢â ¬? could expect to increase its brand image and its market share and then improve its profitability against company without enough green concern while saving costs by innovative processes. To investigate the link between green supply chain management and economic performance we could refers to those key aspects: (1) New market opportunities; (2) product price increase; (3) profit margin;(4) sales; and (5) market share. And competitiveness: (1) Improved efficiency; (2) quality improvement; (3) productivity improvement; and (4) cost savings. Methodology To validate our research, an empirical, survey-based research approach will be taken. Based on the empirical studies through the literature, and a meaningful framework used in the relevant research of Rao Holt in 2005 applied on Asian companies. We choose to follow a common technique to validate the framework presented in the preceding section, a linear SEM (Stochastic Expectation Maximization) approach is used (JÃÆ'à ¶reskog and SÃÆ'à ¶rbom, 1993) to validate the causal relationships between the different latent constructs of: greening the inbound function; greening production; greening the outbound function; competitiveness and; economic performance. The questionnaire will be distributed to the supply chain managers and/or environmental management representative (EMR) or the chief executive of manufacturing organizations in Western Europe. In order to have both MNCs and SMEs ( 500 employees) results, we will send the same number of questionnaire for each type. The respondents will be selected randomly in France, UK, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Poland, Holland, and Switzerland. The questionnaire will be web-administered with e-mail and phone calls to ensure of the good understanding and response of the respondents. Here too, the signià ¯Ã ¬?cance of the overall models will be determined by the chi-square value. The individual linkages between any two variables tested using the critical ratio, which is an observation on a random variable that has an approximate standard normal distribution. The conventional t-test is exact under the assumptions of normality and independence of observations, no matter what the sample size. All the same, the critical ratio is interpreted as: if there were a signià ¯Ã ¬?cant link between, say, greening the inbound function and economic performance, it would imply that the former latent construct directly inà ¯Ã ¬Ã¢â¬Å¡uences the latter, exactly as it was done in our reference research by Rao and Hold (2005). Responses will be collected on a four-point and five-point Likert scale, and open-ended questions. The four-point scale served to force the respondents to check either on the negative side or on the positive side. The choice not to focus only on the à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âleading edgeà ¢Ã¢â ¬? ISO14001 accredited organizations (running environmental management) allow us to broader our research and then make a comparison between those without formal environmental management accreditation, and best players accredited. In terms of financial performance, this strategy will be interesting for identifying benefits and again do comparisons. Expected results. As this type of research was already done in South-Est Asia, our results will allow us to compare our findings and trend with those in South-Est Asia. We expect a response of 10%, therefore we will send to a consequent sample to get sufficient and tangible return. We will probably be able to confirm that greening the supply chain also has potential to lead to competitiveness and economic performance. As the current environmental concern in Europe is high, including governmental and customers pressures these research à ¯Ã ¬?ndings would probably show that firms that are greening their supply chains not only achieve substantial cost savings, but also enhance either sales, market share or exploit new market opportunities. The cost aspect will be important to assess as it is directly connected to the overall performance. The main limitation of this research will be probably the small sample of organizations, but the lack of empirical research in Europe will be also one of the main strengths of this paper. Therefore, the à ¯Ã ¬?ndings cannot be generalized to all organizations in this region or around the world. Finally, future research should empirically test the relationships suggested in this paper in different countries, to enable comparative studies. For further research, a larger sample will allow detailed cross-sectoral comparisons and establish international patterns regarding benefits from GSCM. Performance Measurement for Green Supply chain management: Context In supply chains with multiple actors, (vendors manufacturers, distributors and retailers) whether regionally or globally dispersed, it is difficult to attribute performance results to one particular entity within the chain, by the way performance measurement is really challenging. There are difficulties in measuring performance within organizations and even more difficulties arise in inter-organizational environmental performance measurement. The reasons for lack of systems to measure performance across organizations are multidimensional, including non-standardized data, poor technological integration, geographical and cultural differences, differences in organizational policy, lack of agreed upon metrics, or poor understanding of the need for inter-organizational performance measurement. (Hervani, A. Helms, M. Sarkis, J., 2005) Performance measurement in supply chains is difficult for additional reasons, especially when looking at numerous tiers within a supply chain, and green supply chain management performance measurement, or GSCM/PM, is virtually non-existent. With these barriers and difficulties in mind, GSCM/PM is needed for a number of reasons (including regulatory, marketing and competitiveness reasons). Overcoming these barriers is not a trivial issue, but the long-term sustainability (environmental and otherwise) and competitiveness of organizations may rely on successful adoption of GSCM/PM. The basic purposes of GSCM/PM are: external reporting (economic rent), internal control (managing the business better) and internal analysis (understanding the business better and continuous improvement). These are the fundamental issues that drive the development of frameworks for business performance measurement. It is important to consider both purpose, as well as the interrelationships of these various measurements. Supply chain management Supply chain management is the coordination and management of a complex network of activities involved in delivering a finished product to the end-user or customer. It is a vital business function and the process includes sourcing raw materials and parts, manufacturing and assembling products, storage, order entry and tracking, distribution through the various channels and finally delivery to the customer. A companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s supply chain structure consists of external suppliers, internal functions of the company, and external distributors, as well as customers (commercial or end-user). Firms may be members of multiple supply chains simultaneously. The management and coordination is further complicated by global players spread across geographic boundaries and multiple time zones. The successful management of a supply chain is also influenced by customer expectations, globalization, information technology, government regulation, competition and the environment. Performance management and measurement Corporate performance measurement and its application continue to grow and encompass both quantitative and qualitative measurements and approaches. The variety and level of performance measures depends greatly on the goal of the organization or the individual strategic business unità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s characteristics. For example, when measuring performance, companies must consider existing financial measures such as return on investment, profitability, market share and revenue growth at a more competitive and strategic level. Other measures such as customer service and inventory performance (supply, turnover) are more operationally focused, but may necessarily be linked to strategic level measures and issues. Overall, these difficulties in developing standards for performance measurement are traced to the various measurement taxonomies. Example taxonomic considerations include: management level to measure à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" strategic, tactical, or operational; tangible versus intangible measures; variations in collection and reporting; an organizationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s location along the supply chain or functional differentiation within organizations (e.g. accounting, versus marketing or operations). Similar to the performance measurement used, the performance measurement system may be unique to each individual organization, or unit within an organization, reflecting its fundamental purpose and its environment. Several studies have investigated the universal principles of performance measurement (Adams et al., 1995; Gunasekaran et al., 2001; Sink and Tuttle, 1990). These studies arrived at a number of conclusions related to performance measurement and their systems including: performance measurement systems may have either tangible or intangible measures with a balance of both types used to measure performance; measures should be dynamic and present at multiple levels; products and processes need to be included; systems and measures are best developed with a team approach with derivation from and links to corporate strategy; systems must have effective internal and external communications; accountability for results must be clearly assigned and be understood; systems must provide intelligence for decision makers and not just compile data; and the system should be capable of linking compensation, rewards, and recognition to performance measurement. Linking the supply chain and performance measurement Even though significant work has been completed on performance measurement and management on internal organizational operations, the emphasis on supply chain performance measurement (especially with an inter-organizational focus), in either the practitioner or research community, has been relatively limited (Gunasekaran et al.,2004). Supply chain models, especially those that consider multiple echelon inventory management, have typically focused on performance measures such as cost (Cohen and Lee, 1989; Cohen and Moon, 1990; Lee and Feitzinger, 1995; Tzafestas and Kapsiotis,1994) and a combination of cost and customer responsiveness (Arntzen et al., 1995;Altiok and Ranjan, 1995; Cook and Rogowski, 1996; Davis, 1993; Towill et al., 1992; Wikner et al., 1991; Lee and Billington, 1993; Christopher, 1994; Nicoll, 1994). Some of the existing literature does provide initial insights into broader supply chain performance measurement. Particular attention has been paid to supplier Brewer and Speh (2001) posit a number of concerns in applying performance measurement tools and systems across the supply chain, including the following. . Overcoming mistrust. Traditional SCM practices have been adversarial. Trust in data sharing, acquisition and monitoring needs to be built. . Lack of understanding. Multi-organizational measures are difficult to understand for managers focused on internal systems. . Lack of control. Managers and organizations wish to be evaluated on measures they can control. Inter-organizational measures are difficult to manage and thus control. . Different goals and objectives. Differing organizations have different goals and thus would argue for differing measures. . Information systems. Most corporate information systems are incapable of gathering non-traditional information relating to supply chain performance. . Lack of standardized performance measures. Agreed upon measures in terms of units to use, structure, format, etc. may not exist. . Difficulty in linking measures to customer value. Linkage to stakeholder value (expanding to environmental issues) is becoming more complex. The definition of who the customer may be inside a supply chain also is not clear. . Deciding where to begin. Developing supply chain-wide performance is difficult since it is not always clear where boundaries exist. Designing a green supply chain management and performance measurement system. Designing a GSCM/PMS Next, design issues and implementation issues must be addressed by the organization. When designing the GSCM/PMS, top management should address the questions posited below: . What are the goals of the GSCM/PMS? . How does the GSCM/PMS fit within the strategy of the supply chain? . How should GSCM/PMS be designed? . How should external stakeholder concerns and preferences be integrated? . What metrics levels and decomposition should be included? . Who should design the measures? . Who should monitor the measures? . How should information generated by system be used and disseminated? . How should information be linked up to other internal and external performance measurement systems, environmental management systems and other information systems (e.g. enterprise resource planning systems)? . What are relationships between GSCM measures and organizational measures (e.g. customer satisfaction)? The design of a GSCM/PMS should begin by defining the overall goal(s) of the system. The GSCM/PMS design should fit the environmental management systems of organizations. These environmental management approaches range from ISO 14000 to total quality management programs. In fact, there have been many situations, where players within a supply chain have been encouraged, or forced, to adopt environmental management systems, by external players. Part of the reason is that the evidence is growing, environmental management systems influence environmental performance (Ammenberg, 2001; Hamschmidt, 2000; Florida and Davidson, 2001; Russo, 2001; Andrews et al., 2003), even though many do not guarantee environmental performance improvement. ISO 14000 environmental management system requirements are typically associated with one organization, thus, agreement on the types of systems for GSCM must occur inter-organizationally. Within the ISO 14000 family of certification requirements and guidelines are environmental performance management guidelines codified as IS0 14031. ISO 14031 guidelines à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" a GSCM/PMS design foundation. Putnam (2002) distinguishes ISO 14031 from the ISO 14001 standard and explains ISO 14031 as a process/guideline for measuring environmental performance and not a standard for certification. He stresses its use as a tool to provide management with key metrics for assessment. It is appropriate for all sizes and types of organizations even for those entities without an environmental management system in place. The central design principles of the ISO 14031 is the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model for implementing an environmental management system. This PDCA cycle also defined as the Deming Cycle, is part of the continuous improvement aspects of quality management (Deming, 1986).ISO 14031 focuses on evaluation of environmental performance. This section of the ISO 14000 family of standards focuses on trends and changes in environmental performance over time. The core document focuses on planning, applying, describing, reviewing and improving the environmental performance evaluation with guidance from the process of collecting, analyzing and communicating data. This is a dynamic process and forms the core of what a design team should consider in a GSCM/PMS (as shown in Figure 3 below). Figure 3. Hervani, A. Helms, M. Sarkis, J. (2005), Design of a performance measurement system utilizing the continuous improvement plan-do-check-act process from ISO 14031 guidelines The ISO 14031 performance management system design involves collecting information and measuring how effectively an organization manages its environmental aspects on an ongoing basis. ISO 14031 is designed for use in environmental performance evaluation with indicators in three key areas: (1) environmental condition indicators; (2) operational performance indicators; and (3) management performance indicators. In addition six subcategories identify inputs of materials, energy and services, the supply of inputs, the design installation, maintenance, and operation of the physical facilities and equipments, output of products, services, wastes, and emissions, and finally the delivery of outputs. Bennet and Martin (1998) mention that changing drivers for environmental performance management must include stakeholdersà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢ growing expectations about contentious issues, the need to respond to environmental pressures, the need to measure life cycle analysis and take-back programs, and general links between the environments as other typical business performance indicators, and need to be designed into an environmental management system and especially a GSCM/PMS. + à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âExemple of green logisticsà ¢Ã¢â ¬ for the last partà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ Conclusion: Although there has been substantial growth recently in the number of research articles that explore green supply chain management practices, many questions still remain for academics and practitioners as to why and how companies translate their strategic intention into green supply chain practices. On the one hand, there is a need for understanding the potential benefits of specific green supply chain initiatives. On the other hand, the institutionalization process of a green à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âattitudeà ¢Ã¢â ¬? deserves further exploration. The purpose of greening the manufacturing supply chain is to achieve cost reduction, operational efficiency, flexibility and social image improvement, sales and customer value enhancement. For all industries, GSCM is essential to product quality, and has the potential to become a key business factor in an increasingly competitive and ever-changing marketplace. Another strong assumption is that GSCM do not only be considered by itself but strongly integrated to the triple bottom line of sustainability programs. Starting from these preliminary considerations, several research directions are being explored. First, contributing to the stream of supply chain literature arguing that each product needs a specific supply chain (Fisher, 1997), we expect to show that different types of supply chain strategies call for different types of sustainable strategies, and accordingly provide different benefits for companies. Do lean and agile supply chains integrate sustainability into their strategic and operational issues in different ways? Second, important questions remain as to whether taking into account environmental issues at the strategic level automatically implies its translation into supply chain initiatives or if it is just a sign of a widespread à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âgreenwashingà ¢Ã¢â ¬? attitude, that is the business trend towards green communication rather than green action, which is often criticized by external observers. Our work has several limitations as the lack of empirical data since it is mainly based on literature. In spite of its limitations, this paper offers a quite comprehensive view on the green supply chain à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âpositiveà ¢Ã¢â ¬? effects, the way to get a sustainable approach among companies worldwide and those that belong to different industries. The argument of the advantage of an explicit and long-term viewpoint and integration of environmental, social and economic dimensions lead to the following proposition: Companies that strategically accept Sustainable Supply chain management will accomplish higher economical performance than firms that only pursue one or two out of the three components of the triple bottom line.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Biography of Abraham Maslow - 867 Words
There have been many great psychologists, psychoanalysts, immunologists, endocrinologists, and psychotherapists that have made a name for themselves here in America. Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, Stanley Milgram, Walter Cannon, and Janice Glaser are just a few. However, the one who piques my interest more than Freud or any other person who has extensively studied psychology as in depth and thoroughly as the ones above mentioned is Mr. Abraham Harold Maslow. Out of all psychologists in the known world, there has never been and never will be anyone who comes close to his ideas, thoughts, actions, and psychoanalyses of the human mind. Maslow was born on April 1, 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the oldest of seven children born to hisâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I have also read about Maslow in my class textbook, and that is where I first took and interest in his Hierarchy of Needs. I never knew that reading about a psychologist could be so interesting, and I hope to learn more about Maslow when I take my second Psychology class in the fall semester of this year at Pearl River Community College. Just the little that I have read about him is enough to keep me coming back for more, and I know that should I choose to major in psychology, it will be because of two people, my psychology teacher, Mr. Wayne Cook, and of course, Mr. Abraham Harold Maslow. References Goble, Frank G. (1970) The Third Force: The Psychology of Abraham Maslow. United Kingdom: Viking Publishing. Hoffman, Edward (1989) The Right to Be Human: A Biography of Abraham Maslow. New York: Harper Collins Publishers. Maslow, Abraham H. (1994) Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences. New York: Penguin Books USA Inc. Maslow, Abraham H. (1993) The Farther Reaches of Human Nature (An Esalen Book). New York: Penguin Books USA Inc. Maslow, Abraham H. (3rd Ed.) (1987) Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper CollinsShow MoreRelatedAbraham Maslow Biography1841 Words à |à 8 PagesAbraham Maslow Abraham Maslow, born of two uneducated Jews from Russia on April 1, 1908, was the oldest of seven children. Maslow was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and was also in a non Jewish neighborhood. While growing up during these times, he faced many hardships because of his religion. Abraham was secluded from the other children and spent most of his time alone or with his family. He quickly turned to books and newspapers to keep him busy when he wasnââ¬â¢t in school. As a benefit, MaslowRead MoreBiography of Abraham Maslow2012 Words à |à 9 Pagesmillennia, a certain designation of academic and/or scientist enters into the pursuit of knowledge that captures the epitome of makeup and living -the dynamic of life- to such a prolific magnitude that the world is revolutionized in their wake. 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There were many occurrences during his lifetime thatRead MoreAbraham Maslow Essay1022 Words à |à 5 PagesAbraham Maslow was born on April 1, 1908 to two Jewish parents who lived in New York but had emigrated from Russia. (Cherry, page 1) He was born in Brooklyn New York and he was the first of seven children. (Cherry, Page 1) He grew up with parents pushing him along in his education so he would be a very smart person and could accomplish many large tasks. (Boeree, page 1) When Abraham Maslow was a child he was very lonely and unhappy due to always being pushed along in his educat ion instead of beingRead MoreMaslow s Motivation And Personality1604 Words à |à 7 PagesAccording to Robert Frager, editor of the third edition of Maslowââ¬â¢s Motivation and Personality, the theorist Abraham Maslow was born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He was the first of seven children born to Russian - Jewish immigrants. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Euphoria by Enrique Iglesias free essay sample
Euphoria Enrique Iglesias Released on: July, 05ââ¬â¢10 Ninth album by the King of Latin Pop, Enrique Iglesias, singer-songwriter, gets his devoted fans excited and thrilled. This album, Euphoria, released on July, 05th 2010, features 13 songs, 5 of them in Spanish. Professional ratings Review scores Source Rating Allmusic Digital Spy Entertainment Weekly (B) Sputnikmusic Laboratorio Pop (unfavorable) The Washington Post (unfavorable) (Latin Music) Billboard (favorable) I Like It the first song of the album is a rock hit, features Pitbull, the American rapper. Enrique flaunts his vocal skills in this one. Even as the lyrics donââ¬â¢t hold much depth in them, the song climbed the billboard like a plane just taking off. Coming no. 1 on Billboard Canadian Hot 100. Heartbeat features Nicole Scherzinger. The rhythm and beat is really moving. Lyrics are short and simple but the chorus is a real winner. Stayed for 5 weeks of European Billboard. Heartbreaker is a solo by Iglesias, which carries awesome booming music throughout the song, changing occasionally. We will write a custom essay sample on Euphoria by Enrique Iglesias or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lyrics are moody and accusing. Making it another successful song by him. Ayer (Yesterday) and Why Not Me, though in Spanish and English respectively are the deeply written and emotionally sung songs of the album. Both holds BEAUTIFUL lyrics and moving rhythm. Ayer stayed on Latin Pop chart for 20 weeks on position number 3! You will not understand a words in Ayer but will automatically feel the pain is his rich voice. Why Not Me shows the 37-year-old heart throbââ¬â¢s lyrical skills. It is for all lovelorn out there. Everythingââ¬â¢s Gonna Be alright is all what it says in its title. Thatââ¬â¢s the song you should listen to when tomorrow is your exam, its your job-interview or any big day. This one rip off the tension and stress of you and leave you feeling blissful. Its very motivating goes like ââ¬Å"we know we got what it takes to make itâ⬠. Experience says, ââ¬Å"LISTEN WHEN YOU ARE NERVOUS!â⬠One Day At A Time is similar to I Like It. Great banging music a nd Akonââ¬â¢s rapping stand out a mile. Whatever it says in the lyrics itââ¬â¢s a true hooky. Cuando Me Enamro (I Like It) and No Me Digas Que No (Do Not Tell Me) are Spanish pop tunes. The songs are well sung. Will get you humming the tune. Dile Que (Tell That) and Tu Y Yo (You And Me) are not real hooky. Soft music and slow rhythm. Euphria sell more than 200000 copies in USA. Stayed on 1st position in several charts like US Top Latin Albums, Mexican Albums Chart etc for WEEKS! Recording himself from 1997 and being a platinum-selling singer, 15 years hasnââ¬â¢t changed a bit his oomph. Never having seen a dip in his successful career Enrique says ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢ll always be striving for another great album and another great song!â⬠. I know this review seems a must-listen type, but what I can do This album is so good!!! TRACKLIST I Like It One day at a time Heartbeat Dirty Dancer Why Not Me No Me Digas Que No Ayer Cuando Me Enamaro Dile Que Tu Y Yo Heartbreaker Coming Home Everythingââ¬â¢s gonna be alright
Monday, April 13, 2020
Araby By James Joyce Essays - Araby, Boy, , Term Papers
Araby By James Joyce The short story, "Araby", by James Joyce is about a lonely boy who makes a pilgrimage to an eastern-styled bazaar in hopes that it will alleviate his miserable life. Throughout the story he battles withdrawal and a lack of control. Moreover, the themes of alienation and control are inherently linked because the source of the boy's emotional distance is his lack of control over his life. The story begins as the boy describes his neighborhood. Immediately a feeling of alienation and bleakness prevails. The street that the boy lives on is a dead-end; he is literally trapped. Furthermore, he feels ignored by the houses on his street. Their "brown imperturbable faces make him feel excluded from the decent lives within them." Every detail of his neighborhood seems designed to connote to him the feeling of isolation. The boy's house, like the street he lives on, is filled with decay. It is suffocating and "musty from being long enclosed." It is difficult for him to establish any sort of connection to it. Even the history of the house feels unkind. The house's previous tenant, a priest, had died. He "left all his money to institutions and the furniture of the house to his sister." It was as if he was trying to insure the boy's boredom and solitude. The only thing of interest that the boy can find is a bicycle-pump, which is rusty and rendered unfit to play with. Even the "wild" garden is gloomy and unaffected, containing but a lone apple tree "and a few straggling bushes." It is hardly the sort of yard that a young boy would prefer. Like most boys, he has no voice in choosing where he lives. Yet, he is affected by his surroundings. His home and neighborhood are not the only sources of the boy's animosity. The weather is also unkind to the boy. Not only is it cold, but the short days of winter make play more difficult under the "feeble lanterns." He is resigned to playing in "dark muddy lanes behind the houses where [he runs] the gauntlet of the rough tribes from the cottages." The boy cannot expect to have any control over the seasons or weather. Nevertheless, the weather contributes to his feeling of helplessness. For the boy, one of the more dehumanizing aspects of the story is that nowhere does anyone ever refer to him by name. He is always referred to as 'you' or 'boy'. This could be attributed to the fact that, on the whole, there is relatively little dialogue, and the story is rather short. However, the boy is also the narrator of the story and could have introduced himself. After all, in the first paragraph he introduces the setting, it would not have been unreasonable for him to have mentioned his name. It seems likely then that the boy's name was omitted deliberately. By depriving the boy of a name, Joyce effectively denies the boy any sense of identity, consequently alienating the boy from himself. The plot of the story is based around the boy attempting to go to the Araby so that he may return with a gift that will please Mangan's sister. While in some ways Mangan's sister offers the boy some hope, she is also a source of the boy's alienation. He desperately lusts for her attention and affection. His recount of his mourning ritual: "When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped. I ran to the hall, seized my books and followed her. I kept her brown figure always in my eye." The boy becomes so preoccupied with impressing Mangan's sister that he begins to neglect other aspects of his life: "I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days. I chafed against the work of school. At night in my bedroom and buy day in the classroom, her image came between me and the page I strove to read...I had hardly any patience with the serious work of life which, now that it stood between me and my desire, seemed to me child's play, ugly monotonous child's play." To make things worse, he can not possibly expect to have any control over the girl's feelings. As it is, he can barely speak to the girl. When she finally talks to him he is " confused that he [does] not know what to answer." He is so desperate for recognition and care, that when he concludes that Mangan's sister is a potential source, he becomes fixated with her to the point of
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
New Worlds For All essays
New Worlds For All essays New Worlds for All, Europeans, and the Remaking of Early America. By Colin G. Calloway. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 1997. Colin G. Calloway effectively states to his readers that the Indians of the North America were not just pushed aside by the Europeans who had begun exploring and immigrating in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The Europeans had influenced them, but they also influenced the Europeans. The Indians and the Europeans each shaped the so-called New World into what it is today known as America. Neither one of them could have predicted that they would have created such a powerful country. This short book explores the new worlds that Indians and Europeans created together in early America and considers how conquest changed conquered people and conquerors alike. Throughout this short book, Calloway retells the stories and the culture they both made to create early America (178, xiii-xiv). Calloway states how Europeans did not come to America to create America or to mold themselves into something other than Indians. They came over here to make a New World like the home they had left and make it better. Neither the Europeans nor the Indians were looking for change, nor did they want to abandon their heritage and become like a person that is so different from their own. The two cultures were forced to interact because they shared the same land. Neither side would get anywhere if they were constantly fighting with each other all the time; therefore they had to find means of getting along. Out of necessity the adapted to their changing environment by exchanging ideas and establishing relationships that allowed them to interact. Later on down the road the colonists would see the unavoidable changes that had taken place within themselves and use them to proclaim their sense of independence from Great Britain and announce themselves as Americans (4, 6, 196-197). ...
Monday, February 24, 2020
Should the UK Govermnet Allow the Market to Operate Freely in the Essay
Should the UK Govermnet Allow the Market to Operate Freely in the Allocation of Cigarettes - Essay Example For instance, government of diverse countries have imposed various types of taxes or statutory declarations against consumption of these products with the desire to reduce the utilisation of the demerit products. Demerit goods are described as those products and/or services, the intake of which may result in unhealthy or socially adverse impacts over the individuals of a country. There are varied types of demerit goods such as tobacco or cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, junk food items and recreational drugs among others. It is in this context that demerit goods, such as cigarettes are considered to be worse as it offers varied types of physical disorders to an individual as well as the society. With this due consideration, cigarette smoking is regarded as one of the key factors leading to negative externalities, which might hamper the social well-being within an economy by a large extent (Cancer Research UK, ââ¬Å"Tobacco and Cancer Risk ââ¬â Statisticsâ⬠). ... tive externality takes place when demerit goods offer considerable amount of pessimistic impact over the society, thereby hindering the public health and its well-being. It mainly occurs when the societal cost increases than the private expenditures as a consequence of increasing purchases of demerit goods by the nationals. It leads to the failure of the market, due to surplus production of the product in comparison to the total requirement of the society. This results in the enhancement of the negative influence of these externalities within the society which ultimately amplifies the cost bore by the society of United Kingdom (Cancer Research UK, ââ¬Å"Tobacco and Cancer Risk ââ¬â Statisticsâ⬠). Demerit goods such as cigarettes are considered as those products, with the regular consumption of which results in the hindrance for health development of an individual and that of the society as well. Even though the regular consumption of demerit goods such as cigarettes may als o lead to negative externalities, the demand of these products are identified to be increasing at a rapid rate in the markets of UK, which can be apparently observed with reference to the diagram represented below (Cancer Research UK, ââ¬Å"Intensity Of Smoking Within The Citizens Of UKâ⬠). Intensity of Smoking within the Citizens of UK Source: (Cancer Research UK, ââ¬Å"Intensity of Smoking within the Citizens of UKâ⬠) The underlining reason, which results in the overall enhancement of the demand for such demerit goods or negative externalities, is mainly due to lack of perfect information within the customers of the UK society. Thus, due to lack of appropriate knowledge, tobacco consumption or cigarette smoking has currently emerged as one of the significant social factors to be considered by the UK
Friday, February 7, 2020
Business strategy in transport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business strategy in transport - Essay Example In this context, it can be observed that the economic recession alike many other industries had affected airline industry as well. It can also be observed that apart from a number of benefits prevalent in the EU for starting a new airline service provider, there are certain difficulties that requires to be considered such as uncertain economic scenario, credit crunch, fluctuating fuel price and unpredictable environmental and climatic conditions. Due to these uncertainties, a few full-service airlines in the EU had suffered losses. Despite these certain hindrances the growth prospects which have been observed in the EU region has opened up opportunities for low cost service providers such as Ryan Air and EasyJet. In the EU there is a tremendous prospect of improvement in travel and tourism sector which will provide added growth prospect for a new airline service provider. Low cost operators can make the most of the existing and prospective scenario to leverage benefit out of it (Case Study, n.d.). Therefore, it can be observed that in the existing scenario in the EU, the low-cost operators are being able to earn profits for the shareholders. In this context, the research paper intends to critically examine the prospects of an entrepreneur who endeavours to set up a low cost scheduled airline within the EU. The route that has been selected is between London and Amsterdam. It is identified to be one of the most popular routes on a worldwide basis (Patrikarakos, 2009). The research paper will subsequently attempt to analyse the existing business environment to identify potential barriers to the intended business venture. Critical Analysis of the Business Prospect The intended business venture of the optimistic entrepreneur is towards starting a new low-cost scheduled airline service. From the provided case study, it can be observed that in the present economic context (post-recessionary period), there is a substantial growth prospect for establishing business in t he new venture. It can also be identified that in the present context, in the EU region, there are certain obstacles and losses faced by full service carrier due to few prevailing conditions. Therefore, the most promising growth prospect that can be identified is for the low-cost service carriers. The intended business venture can be started in not only the EU but also throughout the world i.e. Amsterdam to London route, which can be one of the most growth prospect oriented routes According to the intention of the entrepreneur, the new scheduled service will provide low-cost airline service in this particular route only at the inception. It can also be stated that the demand for service is at the optimum level in this route. Thus, a new service has tremendous opportunity to acquire benefits out of the growth prospect which can be from business travellers as well as leisure travellers who are likely to use the services provided by the new low-cost scheduled airline service (Patrikara kos, 2009). The two airports that can be selected for the scheduled airline service are Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, which is the prime international airport of the Netherlands, and Heathrow Airport of London, which is one of the busiest airports in not only the UK but also in the world (ACI World, 2011). In this context, it can be identified that the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is situated mere 14 km outside the city of Amsterdam. The
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Health Care Delivery Systems Essay Example for Free
Health Care Delivery Systems Essay Abstract The American health care system is designed to focus on the organizations of individuals, places, and to treat and prevent adequate health care for the target populations. The federal government conducts an immense portion of delivering health care systems in our world today. The purpose for health care delivery systems is to provide financial tangible benefits and provide health care services for the population and institutions. The results showed for the support of the hypothesis is elaborating in the importance of different health care delivery systems and the purpose in how they are utilized in todayââ¬â¢s health reform. Running Head: Health Care Delivery Systems Essay Health Care Delivery Systems Health care systems engage the initial contact of people and it is the foundation of primary health care. In order to receive primary health care it begins with providing a service to families, people, and communities through health professionals and their teams. The Health care delivery systems is involved with a proactive method to prevent health issues and to better ensure the organization and to investigate once a health issue has transpired. In addition, these type of services are publicly funded from general tax revenues without direct charges to the patient (Health Canada, 2011). The most two similar forms of health care delivery systems is managed care systems ex. (HMO) and fee for service (FFS). The fee for service plan is generally called Traditional Indemnity (Website 101, 2009). Fee for service offers flexible measures for the exchange of drastically high out of pocket expenses, it also requires a substantial amount of paperwork and premiums are high. Furthermore, some advantages are having the privilege in selecting hospitals and physicians of your own, and having the opportunity in receiving treatment from a specialist without a primary doctor referral. The disadvantages are high deductibles and the patient is responsible of paying twenty percent and the physicians are obligated to reimburse eighty percent of the expensive. Also, fee for service solely pays for ââ¬Å"reasonableà and customaryâ⬠health issues (website, 101). Doctors may have a different medical fee opposed to other areas, and the patients are obligated to pay their portion that is instated in health plan coverage. However, HMO is the less expensive and less flexible of all medical coverageââ¬â¢s. The advantages are consist of less paperwork and low copayments. It provides for a portion of improvement health preventive care plans. Unfortunately, there is disadvantages that the health care holder will experience with in choosing a PCP which is a primary care physician, and the HMO plan only accepts a network of their physicians or they will not stand up to the obligation of their financial transaction argument. In addition, in order for the client to see a specialist they must obtain a referral from their PCP. The expression Alternative Delivery Systems is created to entail all techniques of health care delivery systems barring acceptable fee-for-service and private practice like IPAs, PPOs, HMOs, and all other health care systems that provide health care of who conducts organized care systems. ( For example, Managed Care is a health care delivery system that merges payment and the delivery. It also accesses the use of treatments by engaging organization strategies creating to enhance the growth of cost-effective in the delivery of health care. Managed health care plan is a system that assimilates any management with in accordance of finance that delivers health care services of the covered population. In contrast, PPO also known Preferred Provider Organization is the delivery system that commits with medical care providers who gives discounted fees to clients. Nevertheless, clients have the opportunity to give health care to participants who are not members but can potentially become financial penalized due to any action of seeking out side providers and face consequences of not receiving discount and any deductibles of oneââ¬â¢s health care plan and copayments. Goals of Health Care Delivery Systems. The reason HMOââ¬â¢s are unique because they prepaid and they are managed care systems that initially were health care alternative to fee-for-service health care. There goals is to obtain affordable and comprehensive health care coverage. This plan is conducted in advance by the option of a fixed fee from all members. Moreover, HMO delivers minimal cost for medical services that are needed for patients, and this health plan is responsibleà in conducting the deliver and finance portion of the medical health care services. They also arrange to provide the essential medical care which includes the benefit packages. Prepaid Health Plans (PHP) is known to help make quality health care affordable for groups of people, including farmers, blue collar workers and their familiesâ⬠(Ahern, 2007) . In contrast, the traditional health care insurance only funds health coverage for hospital visits, and enrolled insures that receive health coverage in prepaid plans is charged a predetermined for acute and preventive health care from doctors who work in hospitals. As for PPOs, their health care philosophy originally was to create simple concepts in delivering health care services to large groups with lower rates in order to substantially gain a business development for their management. To emphasize, insures can select their own physicianââ¬â¢s however penalties can potentially occur if they are not with the network. This form of health coverage is engaged in receiving adequate power with lower health care prices for their clients in the standing of the dense health care system in America. The fee for service (FFS) is ultimately focusing in creating options to approach paid private insurances to gain more control relating with time and the forms of treatment. FFS is designed to reflect on an ideal perspective for private health care plans, instead of government-administered pricing and giving proper recognition in private health care plans that can utilize health care organizations productively. This method will enhance quality and proficie ncy in delivering a regenerated approach in the health care industry (Nicolas, Oââ¬â¢ Malley, 2007). Mission Statement If I had full control of conducting a health care delivery system I would focus in offering health care insurance for businesses, government organizations, people, families, groups, and schools. Also, I feel flexibility is significant for the process of selecting your own choice of primary doctors in the same network and receive great service with affordable payments. The health care delivery system will project and promote exceptional quality health care service is the HMO plan. This health plan will contribute in supporting by over exceeding expectations of all parties which includes employees, communities, work force, stake holders, investors, and customers.
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